New to private podcasting? This podcasting glossary is for you: The most important terms and jargon around private podcasting explained. Watch this space!
Analytics: Internal podcasts are a time-based medium which makes them easy to track if, when, how, and on which device your listeners interact with your content. With Pager, we keep you posted on how your episodes perform: number of starts and streams, completion rate, starts by the time of day, and device data.
Artwork: A podcast artwork is the cover of your show. It’s one of the only visual elements you need to stand out. Wondering how to create an artwork that employees can’t ignore? Check this out.
Audience: The audience of your podcast is everyone that has access to your show. In the case of a company, that’s usually all employees.
Audiogram: An audiogram helps promote your company’s internal podcast across all relevant channels. It usually contains an audio snippet from a specific episode and a photo or video. Need a good example ? Thanks, WeTransfer!
Bottom-up Podcast: While many companies start with an internal flagship podcast, an exciting shift is happening to a more decentralized, bottom-up approach. It means that every employee or team can create an internal podcast independently.
Corporate Podcast: A corporate podcast is the umbrella term for all company podcast formats. It can be created for a company’s external audience (customers) or internal audience (employees).
Cover: A podcast cover is the face of your podcast series. It’s one of the few visual elements you need to stand out. Wondering how to create a cover that employees can’t scroll over? Jump over here.
Distribution: There are many different ways to share your internal podcasts with your teams. Pager offers you four options: Members-only Web App, Share with a link, Private RSS Feed, and Embedded Player.
Double-Ender: A double-ender recording means recording all participants’ voices locally and separately. Please read our guide on remote recording here .
Episode: A podcast is made up of a series of episodes. An episode is one fragment of the whole show.
Editing: Podcast editing is part of the post-production where you transform your podcast from an idea and raw recording into an end-to-end listening experience.
Embedded Player: Most companies want to include their internal podcast in their current comms stack. With Pager, you get an embedded player for all your episodes.
Employee Podcast: In an employee podcast, you feature employees and make them part of the brand by telling their stories. Interview your people about their accomplishments, motivations, goals, failures, and personal anecdotes. Burberry, Share Now, and Delivery Hero uses them.
Flagship Podcast: An internal flagship podcast is the official internal podcast. It is usually created by the founder, CEO, or internal communications team.
Format: The most common internal podcast formats are leadership podcasts, employee podcasts, news podcasts, and onboarding podcasts.
Hosting: Most companies want to share internal podcasts privately. Therefore you need a private podcasting platform like Pager to upload, host, and share your episodes securely with your employees.
Internal Podcast: You can probably guess that internal or private podcasts aren’t available to anyone just from the name alone. You’re in power to choose who gets to listen to your episodes. In the case of a company, it’s usually their employees. In the case of a community, it’s its members.
Intro: An intro is often the beginning of any episode. It’s a piece of audio that sets the scene, introduces the host and guest or topic, and is often combined with music.
Jingle: The jingle of your internal podcast is a short tune designed to be easily remembered.
Leadership Podcast: A leadership podcast is a widely used format in companies, big and small: Hearing directly from leaders (instead of reading an email written by the IC team). For leaders, it’s an opportunity to be accessible and personal and build empathy across departments. When done well, it feels like one-on-one time with the CEO or other members of leadership teams.
Listener: The listener of an internal podcast is usually an employee.
Local Recording: If in the same room, you record each voice with a separate microphone. If not in the same room, you record each voice locally, too. Because you don’t want to be dependent on the wifi connection, so don’t use Zoom to record your internal podcast because you want to record several uncompressed audio tracks. Read our guide on remote recording here .
Microphone: To record your podcast, you need a microphone. You can use your smartphone or computer, but there are also more professional microphones on the market. At Pager, we use the Shure SM58 microphones.
MP3 File: After exporting your finished episodes, you usually get an MP3 file. You can use this to upload to Pager or any other private podcasting solution.
News Podcast: News podcasts are the most common way companies get into internal podcasting: Making announcements and news more personal, fun, and easier to digest. Also, it’s possible to tune in on the go. Another plus? It stimulates a sense of transparency and fosters a shared understanding of what’s happening in a team, function, or the whole company.
Noise Reduction: Many editing tools offer filters like noise reduction. It automatically reduces background noises and the like. We put together a guide about podcast editing.
Onboarding Podcast: Onboarding podcasts are rising since remote work is taking over significant parts of the world. As onboarding is the honeymoon period of any employee experience, it’s an ideal time to put a human voice to it. And let’s be honest, who reads all the stacks of papers anyway? Talk about your company’s vision, mission, and values. Introduce teams and leaders. Share stories of new joiners.
Outro: An outro is often the end of an episode. It’s a piece of audio that closes your podcast. It can be short and sweet. Or a bit longer, sharing some key takeaways. Often it’s combined with music.
Pager: Pager is a platform for private podcasts. It’s easy to create, host, share, listen and analyze all your company podcasts with us. We care about high security, easy distribution, smart analytics, and a top listening experience as much as you do.
Platform: A private podcast platform enables you to host and share your internal company podcasts with your employees and other internal stakeholders.
Podcast: A podcast is a digital audio file typically available as a series and connected to one topic.
Recording: The recording is the act of capturing and saving your conversation as a digital audio file. Usually, all people are in the same room.
Remote Recording: Remote recording is the act of capturing and saving your conversation as a digital audio file online. Every participant tune’s in from a different location. You need a different setup to record a podcast remotely (than in the same studio).
RSS Feed: RSS feeds are the technology behind public podcasts. With some platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, you can also publish private “hidden” podcasts.
Show: A show is the same as a podcast.
Spoken Audio: Spoken audio is an umbrella term for all mediums that include spoken words, such as podcasts and audiobooks.
Tracks: Ideally, you record separate tracks during your (remote) recording. It means every voice records with its own microphone, so you can stitch them together and edit them individually later in the post-production.
Transcript: A transcript is a written version of your episode.