4 easy ideas for your next company-internal podcast.

Getting started with a company-internal podcast can sometimes feel overwhelming; we get that — especially if you’re the ambitious type who wants to launch an NPR-level podcast internally.

This article focuses on the antidote of podcasting without big productions or deep pockets. Here are a few easy ideas for your first or next employee-only podcast that save you time because employees can record them independently.

This article originally appeared in our bi-weekly newsletter on private podcasting. Sign up here .

New Joiners Podcast

Ask all new teammates joining your company to record a short intro, including a fun fact about themselves. It gives the rest of the workforce a head start and makes first conversations easier. 📱 self-recorded 🗂 easy-to-template 🗨 monologue-style ⏱ 5 minutes

Follow Me Around Podcast

Send your founder or CEO to record a day in the life of employees, literally following them around. It allows leadership to listen to each person and highlights different roles and humans behind the title. 🎙 little production 💼 documentary-style ⏱ 15 minutes or less

Secret Hacks Podcast

Inspire employees to share their favorite secret hack that makes (work) life easier. It creates connection between coworkers and is a different kind of knowledge transfer and peer-to-peer learning opportunity. 📱 self-recorded 🗂 easy-to-template 💬 interview-style ⏱ 3 minutes

Snap Shot Podcast

Enable all teams to share what they’re working on at the moment. It’s an opportunity for the whole company — from intern to CEO — to learn about each team’s current tasks, challenges, and milestones. 📱 self-recorded 🗨 monologue-style ⏱ 4 minutes

Inspired to get going with an easy-going, employee-run, low-key podcast? We’re glad to hear! With Pager , your employees can even upload their recordings on their own. Just give them access to the studio, sit back, and see the results roll in. Happy Paging!

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